A Message for Literary Copywriters

For copywriters with creative ambitions, it’s easy to get discouraged. The demands of clients, family, mental and physical health, etc. are distracting and emotionally draining. Finding the time to read a book or work on your personal projects can feel like a fool’s errand.

 But literary copywriters always find a way to return to that novel or poetry collection in progress. They return not because they are noble or brave or defiant (though they are generally these things too).

 The literary copywriter returns to their creative writing (their true gift) because they have to.

 The literary copywriter creates because they know no other way to live. 

 What is a literary copywriter?


A literary copywriter is a seasoned copywriter who also:

 -Has literary dreams and ambitions (i.e. hard at work on a novel, memoir, screen play, poetry or short story collection, etc.)

 -Is an engaged and critical thinker

 -Has had to hide the real writer within in order to secure clients, jobs, etc.

 -Believes in the collective search for truth and beauty


If you’re a literary copywriter, struggling to put your creative work first, then I implore you to find the courage to return.

 I say courage because it’s not time you’re lacking. Time is subjective and easy to steal. Courage is difficult to summon when you’re not in alignment with your true gift.

 A literary copywriter must put their creative work first. Yes, pleasing clients and paying bills are a necessity and the failure to do so is debilitating. But the consequences of not creating, really creating, are as equally debilitating if not more so.

 When you put your creative work first, you are happier, more energized, innovative, and overwhelmed with gratitude.

 You become the writer Creation not commerce wants you to be.

 Literary copywriters are my favorite people to work with because I know how much we’ve had to sacrifice in order to keep our creative spark alive in this demanding and heart-breaking world.

 If you’re a copywriter hard at work on a creative piece, you know how much time and effort goes into just one page of quality writing. You also know that the best way to grow as a writer, is to place your work-in-progress into the hands of a supportive and knowledgeable reader.

 When I read a creative work in-progress, I get to the heart of a story’s message and help the writer tell it even better. I focus on a story’s strengths rather than its “weaknesses” and find solutions to help the work shine brighter.

 I’ll help you nurture your vision into its best self by offering a blend of editing and coaching, so your words will find the home they deserve!

 My editing package includes:

 · Line edits and general comments

· In-depth workshop letter with analysis, praise, and suggestions

· 1 hour conference call to discuss the piece in more detail

·  A revision plan and list of places to submit. For more info on publishing, check out my guide to publishing in literary magazines!

